So anyway, moving on to the reason for updating...

As mentioned last week, I got Tuscany to a stopping point, with parts 2 & 3 both half done, minus beads. That was a good place to stop, and will keep me from being burnt out on all that blue :) I put the last bit in on Wednesday night, then packed it up for a while.

Tuesday night, I went to Stitch Night at the IHOP, and tried to work on my Ink Circle ornie - but it was too hard to see that purple fabric in there, so I only put a couple of lengths of thread into it before shifting to something else.

That something else was Rainforest Crunch, which I also worked on for a bit on Wednesday, after I stopped on Tuscany, and for a few minutes on Thursday night, as we had a band concert to go to, and got home late. And I also worked on Rainforest at the February PINS get together. It goes pretty quick, though I DO have to look at the chart more often than I have been, and stop assuming I know what I'm doing :)

And last but not least, Lady & Unicorn finally came back out - I discovered it's been over a year since I took an actual photo - the few hours I worked on it in 2011 weren't logged in any way, I just remember doing it. Sadly, Friday night I was realllyyyy tired, so I basically stared at it for 4 hours, put in MAYBE 10 stitches. And it doesn't really look like I did much more than that on Saturday or Sunday; I know now why I put it down - OMG this section is just confetti hell to the Nth degree! Damn pomegranate tree, why do you have to be so difficult??? Not to mention, I wasn't very accurate marking off where I worked the last time - so it's been a little brain-intensive trying to fill in some of the little gaps.
Since it looks pretty much the same as it did when I started, here's a pic of the chart - I did the ORANGE bits, which looks a LOT less in the photo than it felt getting them in there...
So this week, keep on with L&U, see if I can plow past this section without any bloodshed. Nothing else specifically planned - I plan to go to stitch night again, and still have Rainforest in the bag, so I assume that's what I'll work on. Because, you know, I'm pretty good at making & following plans lately :) Happy stitching this week to everyone!