Yep, snowed in. We have at least 6" out there - which doesn't sound like a lot to, well, me even, but considering the only snow removal equipment here is allocated to keeping the big 3 Interstates (I-75, I-85, I-20) clear, well, us out here in the sticks get to stay home - and pray the power stays on! We are now getting ice on top of the snow, so tomorrow, with forecasts calling it to be colder than today, is not looking too good either - I'll take snow over ice any day. Out back:
And this is the stop sign to the main road that we can't get to - I should have gone down to the drive and taken a picture from there, so you get an idea of the slope. Cropping this down, I lost a lot of the angle. Trust me, it's all uphill from here...
Pampas grass in snow:
On to the stitching...
I had a finish, my 2nd Christmas piece is now done, and yeah, past Christmas, but hey, I'm ahead of the game for this coming one, huh? That NEVER happens :) But White Christmas is done! That box he's carrying - wow, totally fiddly :(
I was actually able to guess Paula's Mystery Start off of her floss toss (she only gave me one hint - to look at the color families. I immediately recognized the greens and the golds, and it was a process of elimination from there, based on the number of skeins of white she also had :) ), so I started one, myself, which was then guessed to be Papillon Creation's Romeo, an RAK from Mel (with Juliet) that has been hollering at me off and on ever since Walmart cleared out their DMC and I got it kitted up :) LOVE the blackwork bits :) Can't wait to get to my first Tudor Rose in it...
And I put Romeo down to get as far as I could on Jodie's RR, Angel Train, in the off chance that I was going to get out to the PO today, since it's been here well past the return date - but since I threw myself off with the sudden urge to stitch Christmas stuff this year, I begged to keep it longer. AND since I'm clearly not going anywhere today, I'm going to work on it more - all that's left is border, but those blocks are deceptive in how long they actually take.
Excuse the lumpiness of the picture - Dummy was under it, under his blankie, asleep.
So, this week, keep on Jodie's until I can get out of the house, and maybe back to Romeo, or who knows what? L&U is really hollering at me, as are Knotgarden and MTM, which is sooooo close to a finish. I did follow suit and posted an album of my current WIPs, here. Only one official UFO in there, my first of those, too, and completely unintentional. Maybe it'll get some love this year - AFTER I go see the eye doctor... Happy stitching, everyone!
That is a lot snow for you all. Your stitching is wonderful I hope you stay warm
Beautiful finish! Checked out your wips. You have alot of lovely projects.
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