Sunday, April 25, 2010

Down Comes the Rain...

...and out comes the Green Creeper! We got 2" of rain yesterday, on those storms that caused the tornadoes in Alabama - nothing nearly so bad here, thankfully.

As I was taking the dummies out this morning, I saw the kudzu popping up through the pine straw - it wasn't there yesterday.

And those thick twisted vines there in the background - old kudzu. HATE this stuff...
But with the new rain, it looks like I am going to have a bumper crop of irises, probably this week :)

My neighbor already has lots - too bad she hasn't been in the house for over a year....

All these photos - and more - can be found in Outside Stuff 2010 #2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't there always a good and bad to everything! I can't wait to see your flowers in full bloom.