Not pictured: Cool Whip - because it's wrong to eat it right out of the bowl, hence the pie :) No, really, I get yelled at every time, so it must be wrong, even though the kids do it and the dogs are standing right there the whole time...
In other news, the stitching slump might be winding down - I ran into a little hurdle with another thing I've been working on, so while I tried to figure out how to get over that, I picked up a needle pretty often over the last week or two, despite losing all of past Tuesday night to fall soccer sign-up - yes, I'm still the damn manager, but now I am the sole manager, I am AUTONOMOUS!!! Yippee. Translation - more work for me! GO ME! Someday, they tell me, the Kid will appreciate it; so far, I ain't seein' it...
Anywho, back to the needle bits. I HAD to finish up my goof on Paula's RR, and was bound & determined to get to the cutwork section - so I kept it for an extra week, and got that band done. I had the top part of it done when it was supposed to move on to Jodie, but I figured I'd better do the bottom half, too, so the tension would match in the weird Honeycomb stitch. I really, really liked this piece (even if it does have hearts & pink in it - I can make exceptions for exceptional pieces); if the border doesn't get done, send it back, I'll finish it up :)
Overall to date:
The cutwork section:
I worked on Tanglewood again at last week's stitch in, and got the next branch outlined. I'll likely work on it tonight, too, and get that one filled in, get a start on the next outline.
And then, because I've been into the impulse starts lately, I also started Tracy's latest freebie, Ink Spot #11, which came out in her newsletter last week. I had a piece of Vikki Clayton's linen left over from Samplar 4 Saisons, so there it is. That's for lunch, when I can put the book down.
This past Saturday was the local stitcher's group, PINS. I worked on Mary Wigham again, and got the squirrel on!!! I've been working towards him from the beginning - he and the carnation are the only 2 colors I picked out specifically for the motif - the squirrel is in HDF BeSeeded :) There's a dime beside the squirrel for scale on the over-1 - he'd fit under it :) My eyes have been chewed the last few weeks (gee, I've gone 42 years without glasses, can't I go a little longer? PLEASE?), but I still don't have any problem with that French Country linen over-1 :) Good stuff, need yards & yards more...
And even though the rotation has been scrapped (temporarily or permanently, dunno), I did get MTM out Friday night - and will keep it out for an unknown length of time. I finally got that 3rd center building done! Man, it's not difficult, it's just freaking big! I may do that one first on the 4th side, just to get it out of the way - IF I can manage the counting :) I'll get this 3rd side done in pretty short order this week, I think, and then I'll decide if I move around to the left town, or put it up. This is the overall shown - detail here.
Other than MTM continuing, I have no idea what is planned for this week; I do know EGS isn't likely to make an appearance - totally don't care about it at the moment. I've never said that about any project before - have I hit maximum density on TWs? Again, don't know. Maybe I just need to work on some of this other stuff more, for a while :)
Anyway, that's the news, or what passes for news. Have a great week, and for those of you in the US, have a safe 4th of July weekend! The next update should include potato salad :) Because mine's the best :) :) :)