The week of Christmas, since my schedule was all screwed up with getting ready for Florida, I decided to not bother with my rotation for the week,and just work on stuff that doesn't get much time. So for the few days before we left, I worked on Celtic Banner :) I love this piece - it really deserves more time.
I didn't pick up a needle again until New Year's Night, and since again the week was hosed, didn't bother with rotation, but again worked on a couple of pieces that don't get enough time :) Friday night & Saturday afternoon, I worked on Chat Noir - I was thinking about Booger, and Lori, and thought it was time to put some more stitches in. Lotsa orange, and some black - it's hard to tell, but I added a few hundred stitches, mostly on Page 2.
This week, back to the normal routine, whatever that is. I should get out EGS tonight, but I might work on my current RR piece instead - Lyne sent her choice early, to get it off her To DO list around Christmas. I looked at it when it got here, but haven't touched it since. That'll be a nice way to ease back into the routine. Right now, though, I am off to the new LNS opening today!! The Stitch Store used to be The Dogwood Patch, before Terrie decided to move - and now I have to pass the place on my way to and from work! This is going to be dangerous! AND she's about 500 yards from where my DH works now (they moved over the summer) - so shopping for me just became infinitely easier :) We do have an anniversary next week
Wow - your list is long, and your stitching is lovely! How DO you lay it down to move along rotation when you're loving stitching it?
I can move to the next piece in rotation because I love stitching it, too :) Even while I am working on this week's project, I am always anxious to get to next week's, and the week after that, and the ... That's why rotation works so great for me :)
Happy New Year! I love your work - the colours are so bright and vibrant!
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